7:34 AM 10/10/2020 – Thousands of mink dead from COVID-19 outbreaks in US – CoronaVirus Alerts – coronavirusalerts.net

 7:34 AM 10/10/2020 – Thousands of mink dead from COVID-19 outbreaks in US – CoronaVirus Alerts – coronavirusalerts.net |Post Link in this blog

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Michael Novakhov@mikenov

Thousands of mink dead from COVID-19 outbreaks in US https://www.wionews.com/world/thousands-of-mink-dead-from-covid-19-outbreaks-in-us-334200 @wionews

Thousands of mink dead from COVID-19 outbreaks in US

Thousands of mink have died at fur farms in Utah and Wisconsin of the United States after a series of coronavirus outbreaks. Over 12,000 mink have recently died from the virus, prompting dozens of…


Michael Novakhov Retweeted

The Hill


Sanders endorses more than 150 down-ballot Democrats http://hill.cm/lilWfRo

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Michael Novakhov@mikenov

mink – Google Search https://www.google.com/search?q=mink&source=lmns&tbm=nws&bih=762&biw=1472&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS733US733&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjB77KI5qnsAhXRdN8KHYFjDh8Q_AUoBHoECAEQBA 

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Michael Novakhov@mikenov

mink – Google Search https://www.google.com/search?newwindow=1&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS733US733&sxsrf=ALeKk00DG-ECutgriNu_NqYYw6-yfH7Crg%3A1602324680210&ei=yIiBX5-4DKW5ggf45oagBw&q=mink&oq=mink&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQAzILCC4QsQMQyQMQkwIyCAgAELEDEIMBMgcILhCxAxBDMggIABCxAxCDATIFCAAQsQMyCAgAELEDEIMBMggIABCxAxCDATIICAAQsQMQgwEyBQgAELEDMggILhDHARCvAToHCAAQRxCwAzoFCAAQkQI6CwguELEDEMcBEKMCOggILhCxAxCDAToECAAQQzoHCAAQsQMQQzoNCC4QsQMQxwEQowIQQ1C4zAlYouIJYIK9CmgFcAB4AIABZ4gB3wKSAQMzLjGYAQCgAQGqAQdnd3Mtd2l6sAEAyAEIwAEB&sclient=psy-ab&ved=0ahUKEwifvIPL5KnsAhWlnOAKHXizAXQQ4dUDCA0&uact=5 

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Michael Novakhov@mikenov

Study shows SARS-CoV-2 jumped between people and mink, providing strong evidence of zoonotic transmission https://eurekalert.org/e/J8Qy via @EurekAlert

Study shows SARS-CoV-2 jumped between people and mink, providing strong evidence of zoonotic…

A study investigating SARS-CoV-2 infections across 16 mink farms in the Netherlands, being presented at the ESCMID Conference on Coronavirus Disease (ECCVID, held online from 23-25 September) shows…


Michael Novakhov@mikenov

More Than 2,000 Mink Die in Coronavirus Outbreak at Farm https://spectrumnews1.com/share/wi/green-bay/news/2020/10/09/more-than-2-000-mink-die-in-coronavirus-outbreak-at-farm?cid=share_twitter 

More Than 2,000 Mink Die in Coronavirus Outbreak at Farm

This is just the second Mink Farm outbreak in the U.S.


Michael Novakhov@mikenov

mikenov on Twitter: Trump fundraiser Elliott Broidy charged in illegal lobbying campaign http://nbcnews.com/politics/polit… https://newslynx.net/1314664582036754433-2/ 

mikenov on Twitter: Trump fundraiser Elliott Broidy charged in illegal

Trump fundraiser Elliott Broidy charged in illegal lobbying campaign nbcnews.com/politics/polit… Posted by Michael Novakhov (mikenov) on Friday, October 9th, 2020 8:30pm mikenov on Twitter


Michael Novakhov@mikenov

Trump fundraiser Elliott Broidy charged in illegal lobbying campaign https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/trump-fundraiser-elliott-broidy-charged-illegal-lobbying-campaign-n1242682 

Trump fundraiser Elliott Broidy charged in illegal lobbying campaign

He is accused of being part of an effort to get the administration to drop a probe into the looting of a Malaysian investment fund.


Michael Novakhov@mikenov

2:26 PM 10/9/2020 – The Pomegranate Seeds and other Links https://thenewsandtimes.blogspot.com/p/226-pm-1092020-pomegranate-seeds-and.html 


Google Alert – mink – coronavirusalerts.net

Google Alert – mink
MDHHS issues new emergency order: Gathering sizes are restricted
Wisconsin is battling the US’s worst coronavirus outbreak, and its broken politics are partly to blame
Mink housed on Michigan farm test positive for coronavirus
Mink housed on Michigan farm test positive for coronavirus
Mink housed on Michigan farm test positive for coronavirus
More Than 2000 Mink Die in Coronavirus Outbreak at Farm
Mink at Michigan farm test positive for virus that causes COVID-19
One Piece: 5 Devil Fruit Powers Carrot Would Love To Have (& 5 She Doesn’t Need)
10000 Mink Die From Covid Spread by Humans
At least 12000 mink dead as coronavirus spreads among fur farms in Utah and Wisconsin
Senior Investment Strategist on concerns for earnings season
Bette Pauline Goman
COVID-19 outbreak has killed nearly 10000 minks in Utah
The ZonLi Weighted Blanket Has Helped People With Anxiety, Insomnia, and PTSD Sleep Through …
Heart of Georgian Bay Terry Fox Run committee surprised at result
10000 mink are dead in Covid-19 outbreaks at US fur farms after virus believed spread by humans
10000 mink are dead in Covid-19 outbreaks at US fur farms after virus believed spread by humans
Thousands of mink dead from COVID-19 outbreaks in US


CoronaVirus Alerts – coronavirusalerts.net – News Review

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    HIV/Herpes is a serious and recurring condition that cannot be cured by drugs or injections by USA Doctors. But the best way to fight and get rid of  herpes virus permanently is to take natural herbal remedies, I read about DR JAMES, the great herbal Doctor, who cures people with HIV with his powerful herbal medicine. I contacted him to find out how he could help me, and he told me never to be worried that he would help me with the natural herbs' medicine! After 2 days of contacting him he told me the medicine is ready, and he sent it to me via DHL COURIER SERVICE and it got me in 3 days! I used the medication as he prescribed for me (MORNING and EVENING) and I was cured! It's really like a dream, but I'm so happy! For people suffering from the following diseases Alzheimer disease, Eczema, Shingles, MS, Bullous Pemphigoid, Diabetes, cancer, Pcos, hypothyroidism, vaginal rashes, Herpes, COPD, HIV, arthritis, HPV, liver disease, autoimmune diseases, Parkinson's disease, Lupus Schizophrenia, Autism, Bipolar disorder, Infertility Get your EX back,Enlargement of Breast,Penis,Butts. and more should contact him for his herbal medicine, because I am a living witness, and I was cured of herpes virus. And DR James medicine is legitimate. I sent him what he asked for, and he sent me his medication which I took for 2 weeks and today I am here with a negative result. When I went for the test, I was so happy after I took his herbal mix medicine. CONTACT DR JAMES FOR A PERMANENT CURE Email: DRJAMESHERBALMIX@GMAIL.COM.
    He's a good man and he will help you

  2. I was asked by a medical doctor Nicola Whitehill to purchase Dr Itua herbal medicine for Scleroderma as June is Scleroderma month.  It took a lot to go through and remember that I have been through a lot! I have learned a lot about herbal medicines and my fight to a healthy lifestyle!  I have recommended Dr Itua herbal medicines to a lot of people so that they can see that the fight may be hard at times, but it is all worth it! You are worth the fight, so don't ever give up and continue to be your own advocate and you may need to switch doctors to get the best care for your body!  Keep your head up and keep moving forward despite the obstacle that you may be on!  God only gives you what He can handle, so put your faith, trust, and hope in Him and ask Him to show you the direction in which He wants you to go!  By researching and finding what you are putting in or on your body can help tremendously and help you to use Food as Medicine to help heal your gut!
    Dr Itua has all types of herbal medicines to cure all kinds of disease such as Herpes,Diabetes,HPV,Copd,Als,Ms,HIV,Cancers,hepatitis,Parkinson,Infertility and other human disease and infections you may have been going through in your life Dr Itua will prepare you a permanent cure.Dr Itua herbal center email contact: drituaherbalcenter@gmail.com.

  3. These will help your body store those THC metabolites instead of getting rid of them. But remember, no red meat or fatty foods! The final way to pass is to sweat out the THC metabolites from your body regularly by exercising – hard. A gym or even a sauna can do wonders to cleanse your body of toxins. The fat cells in the body store THC. If you use room-temperature water, it should take about 45 minutes to reach the optimum temperature. That is more than enough time. Visit: https://www.urineworld.com/


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