7:31 AM 8/26/2020 - UK coronavirus Patient Zero found - the first person to catch Covid
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Coronavirus: Nottinghamshire woman, 75, 'first positive test within UK' - BBC News
7:31 AM 8/26/2020 - UK coronavirus Patient Zero found - the first person to catch Covid
Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks ![]() | |||||
Disease X-19 Origins from Michael_Novakhov (3 sites): Google Alert - Sars-Cov-2 origins: UK coronavirus patient zero identified as researchers investigate disease's origins | |||||
He told The BBC: Had the diagnostic criteria for Covid-19 been widened earlier to include patients with compatible symptoms but no travel history, it is ... | |||||
UK coronavirus Patient Zero found - the first person to catch Covid | |||||
Researchers have identified the first person known to have contracted coronavirus in the UK, with the disease found on February 21 this year.
The woman, who was also the first person to die of Covid-19, is the earliest confirmed patient to have had the disease in this country.
It was previously thought a man from Surrey was the UK's Patient Zero.
But now researchers have identified the earliest sufferer as a 75-year-old woman from Nottinghamshire, who tested positive on February 21.
She is also believed to have been the first woman in the UK to die after contracting the disease, reports The Star.
A University of Nottingham research team analysed 2,000 routine respiratory samples taken from patients at the Queens Medical Centre between January and March.
They report: Patient one in this study is, to the best of our knowledge, the earliest described community-acquired case of SARS-CoV-2 in the UK, admitted to hospital care on February 21.
She was also the first UK Covid-19 death, preceding the earliest known death by two days.
It had previously been thought the first transmission of coronavirus in the country had happened on February 28.
Other research, published in May, revealed that Frances first case was back in December not long after the outbreak in Wuhan.
Professor Jonathan Ball, one of the study authors, said there was widespread community transmission of coronavirus in Nottingham back in early February.
He told The BBC: Had the diagnostic criteria for Covid-19 been widened earlier to include patients with compatible symptoms but no travel history, it is likely that earlier imported infections would have been detected, which could have led to an earlier lockdown and lower deaths.
"However, the capacity for testing available nationally was not sufficient at the time to process the volume of testing required.
"In order to prepare for any future pandemic such as this, the UK urgently needs to invest in and expand diagnostic capacity within NHS and PHE diagnostic laboratory services."
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The Brooklyn Pages - 12:48 PM 8/25/2020 linkspagesnt.blogspot.com/2020/08/the-br pic.twitter.com/UI9e2VlRWA | |||||
The Brooklyn Pages - 12:48 PM 8/25/2020 linkspagesnt.blogspot.com/2020/08/the-br pic.twitter.com/UI9e2VlRWA
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Cuomo removes five states, adds Guam to coronavirus quarantine list | |||||
Alaska, Arizona, Delaware, Maryland and Montana were taken off the N.Y. list of COVID-19 hot spots.
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Brooklyn Paper: Photos: New York Aquarium draws families on reopening day | |||||
Coney Islands New York Aquarium opened to members on Sunday after a months-long closure due to the COVID-19 pandemic, bringing joy to families and fish aficionados.
Im just so happy that it opened, said Queens resident Rachel Klepadlo, who attended the reopening with her daughter, Max, her husband, and their friends. It was something weve been waiting for for a while.
Attendees explored some of the aquariums popular mainstays, such as the shark tank and the outdoor penguin habitat and even got to meet the new seals that were born during quarantine!
Klepadlo said that three-year-old Max and her friend particularly loved a new exhibit called Spineless featuring jellyfish, octopus, and other sea creatures without backbones.
They just opened the jellyfish exhibit, and that was new to them, so they thought that was the best day ever, she said.
The aquariums reopening follows Gov. Andrew Cuomos Aug. 14 edict allowing museums and other cultural institutions to reopen on Aug. 24 at limited capacity with strict social distancing guidelines. The aquarium, which closed in March because of the pandemic, will open to the public on Aug. 27.
To ensure the disease doesnt spread, aquarium staff are limiting the number of visitors in a room at any given time, making sure that attendees wear face masks, and asking all visitors to buy timed tickets in advance. The free admission policy on Wednesday afternoons will continue from Sept. 2 onward, but those tickets will also need to be ordered online in advance.
Officials are also instituting strict cleaning protocols, particularly of high-touch areas, and ensuring that staff members wash their hands frequently, according to the aquariums website.
Klepadlo, whose daughter went to the aquariums leaning center every week before the start of the pandemic, said she felt safe exploring the aquariums indoor spaces.
They had staff members in every indoor area counting people. We felt like we had the place to ourselves, she said, adding that her family has already talked about returning. Were already planning to go back in two weeks.
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The post Brooklyn Paper: Photos: New York Aquarium draws families on reopening day first appeared on The Brooklyn News And Times - bklynnews.com.
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It signals that coronavirus was circulating undetected in ... said there was "widespread comm....
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- sars-cov-2 origins: undetected local community transmissions with no travel history - Google Search https://www.google.com/search?q=sars-cov-2+origins%3A+undetected+local+community+transmissions+with+no+travel+history&newwindow=1&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS733US733&sxsrf=ALeKk03CDwCuvmeNpcBLvY5bKyAEkmEOQA%3A1598438679494&source=lnms&tbm=nws&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi2ub6N2LjrAhVoUN8KHbmNAWoQ_AUoAXoECBYQAw&biw=1462&bih=762&dpr=1.25 …
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