5:27 PM 8/6/2020 - My Opinion: Recommendations with regard to the Disease X-19 ("Covid-19") management
My respectful recommendations with regard to the Disease X-19 ("Covid-19") management: Develop and administer the most practical and comprehensive test for all possibly involved or suspected infections, antigens and antibodies. Test new patients and the old samples, and also the environment: sewage water. Do attempt the differential diagnosis routinely, in hospital and ambulatory settings. Systematize the good clinical descriptions and studies, continue to identify the basic related clinical syndromes. Study rodents and their behaviors, test their samples also. Pursue vigorously rodents eradication or control programs. Investigate "ratteries" and any attempts to spread infection through rodents and other animals. Check pet food, animal feeds and other possible sources of infections. Educate the public on rodent infestations prevention measures. Investigate the situation with minks for the possible criminal and political aspects. Collect intelligen...